The ensemble of opulent wedding fashion! The wedding event of Lulu Celebrate focussed on the wedding attires around India. It showcased one of the best and contemporary fashion trends making a fusion of the traditional and modern wedding apparels. The engaging ramp walk was decorated by leading celebrities in the industry adorning the alluring wedding fashions. The environment was staged to evoke the mood of the wedding, and the intent was achieved successfully.
The first day saw a fabulous lineup of traditional wedding attires, with innovative designs mesmerising the audiences.
Colourful wardrobes were showcased, but the limelight was on celebrities like the movie team of RDX, stars like Shiyas Kareem and Big Boss Runner-Up, who were the showstoppers. With the exciting Shop & Win contest, the overall energy spiralled up!
A Wholesome Finish The last day was filled with entertaining ramp walks as models paired as a couple exhibited the wedding apparel to the world. TV star Prem Jacob joined, adding his touch of elegances.
A Glimpse into the world of wedding ensemble, with style, elegance and celebration!